Panzerholz isolation Platforms and feet

Panzerholz Dampening Equipment feet and platforms

Panzerholtz is simply amazing at draining away micro and macro vibrations from equipment, especially digital equipment such as DAC's, CD players and streaming devices.
In simple terms, the feet reduce resonance to give a cleaner and more musical presentation of music.
These are the 2nd generation of Panzerholtz feet using 50mm thick laminated beech highly compressed and glued. This combined with a Tungsten carbide ball bearing provides an extremely high level of microphonic and resonance reduction and also maximises on the  theory of constrained-layer dampening which I strongly believe in and use in many other designs.
I am not a believer in "Isolation feet" and have proved time and time again that many of these products do not work and quite often make matters worse. 
As with everything I sell, there is a simple return policy if you are not happy and I have had situations where HiFi equipment feet including these Panzerholtz feet provide an unclear or difficult to gauge aspect to musical reproduction refinement.
The MB2 monoblocks for example do not seem to benefit from these feet or any others I have tried but for most equipment you will definitely hear a difference and these do work and with no snake oil!
Size A - Height - 50mm, Width - 45mm
Size B - Height - 25mm, Width - 65mm


Price - £160 for a set of 3 ( size A )

Price - £120 for a set of 4 ( size B )

Panzerholtz Equipment feet Gallery