A small selection of unedited and unprompted customer feedback and e-mails :-
Hi Rob, Hope you're well.
Went to ******** in Preston earlier with my Regis speakers to Demo the new Naim Unity Nova all in one system. Spent a few hours in the Demo room listening through the Regis with a friend. The Naim sounded amazing. Then we swapped speakers to other standmounting speakers priced between £2,500 - £5,500. Suddenly there was a massive and I mean massive deterioration in sound quality!
There was nothing in the shop regardless of price that could compare!
The staff weren't that interested in the Regis when I placed them on the stands, however, after the demo they were more than a little interested in your company!
Don't think they'd ever heard a standmounting speaker sound so good!
Regis 2018
Just a quick email to say how good the speaker cable you supplied me with is. You were right about burn in (or possibly my sensory adjustment) but the improvement is quite obvious. They sound similar (at all) to my Black Rhodium cables but with simply more of everything. Fine details are easier to pick out yet they are in no way bright or fatiguing. The sound seems fuller and the soundstage is definitely wider and deeper. I think to sum it up without droning on like some "Emporer's new clothes' reviewer nutter, there is a wonderful sense of 'ease' about the sound, a sort of effortlessness that was that wasn't present with any of my old cables, despite some of them being significantly more expensive than those I purchased from yourself.You've got me thinking about interconnects now......
Hope you are well mate.
April 2017 - Reference speaker cable – cryo treatment
Hi Robert
Recieved the speakers yesterday thankyou appreciate all the communication and great service !
Only had time for perhaps 1/2 hour listening but very impressed with the few tracks I played just sound so musical with a touch of added warmth my ATC S were quite cold /clinical by comparison. The detail at the top end sounds very transparent, need to settle down for a few hours for more critical listening. Just one quick question do they need a burn in period to sound their best? long long time since I bought new speakers.
Thanks Again
Best Regards,
January 2016 - Opulus Prima
Hello Robert,
Indeed it did! That was pretty fast. Let me just say that the fit and finish of the speakers are impeccable and by far and away the best quality I have seen for this kind of money. I set them up and spent about an hour or so listening to them last night...marvelous, simply marvelous. The mids and highs are so clean and precise yet realistic and smooth. It does cast a holographic image with terrific depth and width, and your right it's bass output is surprisingly fulsome and punchy (seems to handle the 40hz-60hz region quite well which I was not expecting). I plan to do some critical listening once they fully break in (200 hrs?). You already have me thinking what the Voltaire ref 1s would sound like if you can achieve these results with the tiny Opulus!
Well done Robert, you have done some truly wonderful work...I plan to take these beauties with me to the show in August.
Mark Sossa
Well Pleased AV
June 2015 - Opulus
Now to the main thing, what to say about the first impressions of the sound. Well it was quite an eye (or ear) opener. Overall I think the term revealing would probably best describe my first impression. There were suddenly things in a recording which I had not previously heard. This applies especially to higher quality (SACD or DVD-A) recordings where I feel that there is a significant improvement at both the top and bottom end of the frequency spectrum. It just sounds like there is more there. The bass performance is significantly better than the AV5140’s whilst still remaining tightly controlled. Also bass does not become overbearing in any way, which is something I have often found to be the case with some other well-known brands I have auditioned in the past. What is most impressive is the mid-range where the voices seem to come out clearer and with a more natural timbre than I had experienced previously. On the treble front I think the best way to describe it is to say that in many cases where previously there could at times be some harshness this has disappeared although it feels like there is more content to what one is hearing, hard to describe to be honest. What was also interesting is that later in the evening when I turned the volume down to relatively low levels the quality of what one hears remains truly impressive. So I can summarise that based on one evenings listening I am very impressed but not in a flashy way. The speakers seem to disappear into the background so that one listens to the music and can feel where the various people playing are positioned both laterally and in depth.
I would like to thank you for what can best be described as a very pleasant purchasing experience and given the opportunity will pass this on to others. To put it into a nutshell great service and a great product! When I have finally set everything up I will give you a bit more feedback.
June 2015 - Voltaire II
Hi Robert,
Just a few lines to let you know how much I am enjoying the speakers - they have brought a new 'reality' to all music, and while I may upgrade some other components at some point, these will remain the core of the system for the foreseeable future.
One mistake I did make was to start with a couple of mid-priced stands: the initial improvement in sound quality masked the fact that the set-up was just too flimsy to get the full benefit. Having realised this and replaced them with Custom Design FS104s + filler, there is much better definition (bass, mid and treble) and whereas before I heard a pleasing stereo image, there is now a definite 'sound stage' in the room. (I even had to select a different DAC filter to tone it down a little.) If you'd like another quote, it's like having a Steinway in the living room!
As I believe I've said before, I'm one very happy customer.
May 2014 - Regis
Got the speakers connected this morning - fantastic first impression! Even better as they are bedding in. The murkiness of the mid range that I was not happy about with my B&Ws has pretty much disappeared. The imaging is better as is the general 3D impression. I can put them closer to the back wall without being too boomy. My current atacama stands (50 cm) look flimsy compared to the speakers - definitely have to get some more solid ones!
May 2014 - Voltaire Zero